Hem Sheela model School provides a personalized liberal arts education for the harmonious development of body, mind and personality of students(Visited the School many times and addressed the teachers and students)
On behalf of my wife, Jan, my daughter Megan, and the entire Drury University family, I am privileged to bring greetings and to offer the entire Hem Sheela family my heartfelt congratulations on the publication of the 18th edition of Shraddhanjali. The quality of students work in these pages reflects Hem Sheela’s high standards and comai* ment to intellectual and personal growth. It was among the highest person eandopi ofessional honors of my life to spend time with you oneneral occasions. Each of us was changed profoundly by r o with you, and we look forward to returning tc Durgap ur e n the near future What you are accomplishing is inspiredonal, and we give each of you, our dear friends and partners, the due credit in educating the world’s future leaders Hem Sheela Model School has grown exponentially. This is a remarkable achievement and equally impressive fact is that your outstanding faculty has grown proportionately, both in size and in quality. The growth in your educational facilities is also inspirational and I consider it a singular honour to have played even a minor role in dedicating a facility that helps advance your mission. We are especially proud of the roles that Dr. Rabindra Roy, Dr. Protima Roy and Mr. Lakshmi Roy have played in making Hem Sheela Model School a reality. Our fondest desire is to see that vision sustained and nurtured in the decades ahead, and we are committed to assisting in doing so. ◦ In the years ahead, 1 look forward to opportunities for our students to broaden their cultural horizons and to apply their classroom leamning in new contexts. I once again want to congratulate you on realizing your vision of providing a “personalized liberals arts education for the harmonious development of both mind and personality of students. Jan, Megan and I send our respect, love and very best wishes to you all.
Charles Alan Taylor,
Ph.D.Professor & Director of Graduate Studies Department of Communication